News - 2004
November 2004
Caltec has supplied a gas jet pump to BP SNS for the enhancement of production from several low pressure wells using excess high pressure gas from a compressor. The system has undergone successful commissioning and is expected to significantly increase production delivering major benefits to BP.
October 2004
Caltec has won a World Oil award for its production enhancing technology known as the 'monster jet pump', which was developed for BP. Measuring nearly seven meters in length and with 24in inlet and outlet lines, the pump has boosted the entire production from two satellite wells by 25%.
March 2004
Caltec, based in Cranfield Innovation Centre, won three categories in the Mid Bedfordshire Innovation Awards, including the overall award, for its Monster Jet Pump, developed for BP to boost the production in low-pressure oil wells.
February 2004
Jet pump boosting systems designed by Caltec Limited are reviving declining oil and gas fields just as public awareness is being alerted to the finite nature of these energy resources.
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