News - 2014
November 2014
The Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition and Conference (ADIPEC) welcomes all oil and gas professionals from around the world.
September 2014
Caltec’s Process Manager, Syed Peeran will be presenting at the 9th European Gas Well Deliquification Conference, 22nd-24th September in Groningen, Netherlands.
August 2014
Offshore Network are pleased to announce the involvement of Caltec as part of the Technology Showcase Hall.
June 2014
From 17th - 18th June 2014, Caltec will be exhibiting at the European Artificial Lift Forum (EuALF) at the AECC in Aberdeen, stand #13.
April 2014
From 5th – 8th May 2014 Caltec will be attending and exhibiting at OTC in Houston.
April 2014
Caltec's production boosting and separation technology is featured in March 2014 edition of InnovOil.
February 2014
Caltec exhibited at the 7th Annual International Petroleum Technology Conference in Doha, 20-22 January. The interview of Sam Long by Eithne Treanor regarding Caltec's motivation behind exhibiting at IPTC is now available view.
February 2014
Please view our video on the 10 ways you can enhance mature field production with Surface Jet Pump Technology.
January 2014
Caltec has supplied and commissioned a 6-inch Surface Jet Pump (SJP) to recover hydrocarbon gas currently being cold vented locally to atmosphere at an oil and gas separation facility located in Southern Mexico.
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