- Surface Jet Pump Solutions
- Compact Separation Solutions
Combining two flow streams with a simple tee can lead to serious flow assurance issues such as:
- Weaker flow stream partially backed-out by stronger flow stream
- Pressure losses
- Backing-out of pump or compressor when combining gas and liquid streams
- Inadequate mixing of the two flow streams
- Ineffective friction reducer or corrosion inhibitor distribution
- Failure of the tee due to localised turbulence induced erosion/corrosion1
Drawing on our SJP technology, fluid dynamics experience and specialised models, Caltec unique proprietary* flow commingling solutions overcome the issues caused by tees:
- By using higher energy flow to create a drawdown on the low pressure stream, the backpressure imposed on the production stream is reduced
- Flow turbulence and pressure loss across the junction is minimised
- Differences in the pressure, flow rate, density or other properties of the two flow streams do not influence each other
- Minimised erosion
- Combine different phases i.e. gas, liquid and multiphase streams
- Extended life for critical tees
- Effective mixing

Also see other Caltec Solutions or Contact Us for further information.